A Lovely Weekend, Despite The Rain

This weekend, which started on Thursday afternoon for us due to the rainy conditions on Friday, was lovely and relaxed. Well for Max and I anyway.

Roly called off work for Thursday and Friday as it was too unsafe on the roads for our guys and there's such widespread flooding around. Our friends live right near one of the many rivers that flooded and the water just kept rising..add tidal water to the flooding and it's spelt disaster for a lot of people. So Roly went down to help them shift as much of their stuff as possible before the water reached their house.

He also spent some time helping at the golf club he plays at, helping to shovel a thick layer of mud off some of the greens. They didn't have insurance so the best way for them to get back on their feet is to get the grounds back to a usable state. The club is such a big part of the community and we've had lots of lovely afternoons there so it was nice to be able to help.

Max and I stayed home for a lot of that, partly because Max had an upset tummy on Friday and partly to avoid getting into any unnecessary danger. Max is so inquisitive (show me a toddler that isn't) and loves the water so I thought best to stay away - there have been entire houses floating down streets!

So instead, we went to the beach and the markets and played on the front porch. Of course, I made a vlog of our adventures!

Enjoy, Rachelle xo