Visiting Granny and Grandad

Yesterday we flew to Port Macquarie to visit Max's Granny and Grandad for a few days as we didn't get to see them over Christmas. My brother and his wife live here so we'll get to see them too. 

I love going to the airport and now we have a toddler I love it even more. I have an excuse to sit by the window and watch the planes on the tarmac.  




It's cooler and overcast here at the moment which is a nice change after the 30C+ days we've had in Brisbane. Sunny days while you're on holiday are fun but when it's overcast it's a good excuse to have a nap, play with Lego or read a book. 



Although with a toddler we still need to get out in the fresh air for a bit of a run around before bed! Max loves playing with the footy and I think it's because the shape makes it unpredictable where the ball will bounce to. 

